Category: technology

Roger’s Place has done me the honour of naming me as a recipient of the prestigious Kreativ Blogger Award.  I have already thanked Roger on his site for deeming me worthy of it, and thank him again here.

There are certain obligations attached to this award – one of them being to display it on your blog site.  I have spent the last hour-and-a-half trying to do just that.

Roger was kind enough to give me advice on the subject, but my Theme does not have “copy image location” only “Copy”, which doesn’t work.  I am trying to go about it a different way.

So far, I have downloaded it onto my computer, and from the computer to this post.  I have carefully noted the Link URL in the hope that I might be able to use that to get the !#$%^&* IMAGE INTO MY SIDEBAR!  (Please excuse the language – it is starting to get to me.)

I am about to have another go at it, using the Link URL to the image which is now in my files – somewhere.

If, when you read this, there is still no image in my sidebar, please, please, please give me some advice.  Anyone.  I would really rather not destroy the computer.  I can’t afford another one.  Thank you.

IF I manage to get the image where I want it, I shall proceed to the other obligations attached to the award.  If not, I shall probably destroy something, then withdraw from the world for a few years.

I am supposed to stay away from stressful situations.  Is the fame and fortune which I am obviously going to earn from receiving this award, really worth it?


Well, that was easy.  Worked first go.  Just one teeny problem – the award image is there, but everything else has disappeared from my side-bar.  Back to the drawing-board.  But I’m not touching that image.


Got the Archives back.  I’ll see what else I can dig up.


This is going swimmingly.  Now have Latest Posts again – even managed to list fifteen instead of ten.  Things are really going well.


I’m exhausted.  I’ve put back the stuff that disappeared, added more things, removed some that I had added, moved from side-bar to footer, and from footer to side-bar.  I still have a lot of side-bar left to fill, but I don’t know what most of the other widgets are, so am leaving them alone.

I shall deal with other Kreativ Blogger conditions in between my next subjects.  I don’t want to lose any followers while I’m ungracefully floundering around WordPress.

Things will return to normal tomorrow.  I hope.



In the heart of the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand

Man will know that all living things are bearers of light

And that they are creatures to be respected

He will have built the new cities

In the sky, on the earth and on the sea.


He will have the memory of what was

And he will know what will be

He will no longer be afraid of his own death

For in his life he will have lived several lives

And the light, he will understand, will never go out.


This prophecy tells us the same thing that all of the world’s religions have been telling us for thousands of years:  every living thing carries within itself part of the universal light, which has been given different names at different times, one of them being “God”.  We now know that our DNA contains the memory of all life on this planet, as well as the knowledge of our future on Earth.  In a similar way, we hold within us the spiritual memory of our origins, and the spiritual knowledge of our future.

In this Golden Age, science and spirituality will come together in a common understanding of both our past and of our future.  Then, we will no longer be afraid of our own death because we will have understood that the light… will never go out.

To conclude this foray into the Prophecies of John of Jerusalem,  I would like to give my answer to the question “Why do some prophets predict the End of the World, and others, like John of Jerusalem, predict a new Golden Age?”.

The End of the World prophets and the Golden Age prophets are both right.  The first see the future we will have if we continue on the road on which we have been travelling.  The second see the future we will have if we take a different path.  The future that a prophet sees is probably a reflection of his own personal pessimism or optimism about which path Man will choose to travel.

Life is all about choices.  When we are children, choices concerning our lives are often made by someone else.  As adults, we make our own.

Our choices are reflections of whom we see ourselves to be.  No choice is necessarily bad in itself, although we may perceive it as such later on.

We are each born with a goal in life, with one or more particular lessons to learn.  The “right” path for each of us is the one which takes us to our goal and teaches us the lessons which we need to learn.  Our “right” path will not be the “right” path for somebody else.  Therefore, as individuals, it is not our role to judge other people’s life choices.

However, while, as individuals, we have our own goals and lessons to be learnt, we are also a tiny part of the human species, which also has a goal and lessons to be learnt.  To reach that goal, while learning the lessons, we need to work together, each of us contributing our particular talents and knowledge.

Humans often travel through time at different speeds.  Some of us are able to pop into the future, or zoom back into the past.  We are never able to stay there for very long, but visits can be frequent.  Both the past and the future can teach us how to attain both our individual goals and our collective goal(s).  We need all the help we can get.

So, which future do we want?  Do we want the End of the World, or do we want the Golden Age?  Are we willing to give up and let chaos reign until the Earth is too sick to be saved, or do we want to do something constructive, both as individuals and as a species, to help the Earth to heal?

It is up to us to decide.  Life is all about choices.



In the heart of the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand

Roads will go from one end of the earth and the sky to the other end

Forests will be dense again

And the deserts will have been irrigated

The waters will have become pure again.


The earth will be like a garden

Man will watch over everything that lives

He will purify that which he has soiled

He will feel as if all the earth is his home

And he will be wise in thinking of the days to come.


This description of our Earth, and of our relation with it, must be balm to the hearts of environmentalists everywhere around the world.  Their efforts will not have been in vain.  Finally, our technology will have been used to clean up the mess we have made and restore the Earth to good health.

However, the only way that we are going to get there, is to let our politicians know that that is what we want, and “get on with it immediately” – please.  Let us remain polite.

Before that can happen, mentalities need to change.  Fast.

Thirty-eighth prophecy tomorrow.



In the heart of the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand

Man will know what the spirit of all things is

The stone or the water, the body of the animal or the gaze of others

He will have pierced the secrets that the ancient Gods possessed

And he will open door after door in the labyrinth of the new life.


He will create with the gushing power of a water source

He will teach the knowledge to the multitude of men

And the children will know more about the earth and the sky than anyone before them

And Man’s body will be bigger and skilful

And his mind will have embraced all things and will have understood them.


This prophecy appears to tell us that we will know everything about everything.  Really.  We won’t just think that we do.  We will pass this knowledge to everyone.  It will no longer be limited to specialists, or kept secret by individual countries.  All humans will have access to it.

When?  90% of today’s knowledge is connected to the twentieth century.  The acceleration of knowledge had reached the point, in the year 2000, of doubling every seven years.  It was estimated then that, if discoveries continued at the same rate, they would double, in 2050, every two hours.

Total knowledge and understanding are accessible to us if we can just stop thinking of everything in terms of financial gain.  Once we get over this obsession with money, we will free ourselves to pursue the right paths to absolute knowledge.

So, once again, when will this happen?  Saint John speaks of a very troubled period at the beginning of the third millenium, but announces the beginning of the Golden Age after 2020.

Saint Remy also speaks of a religious and monarchical Parousia around 2020, which seems to agree with the prediction of the coming of the Great Monarch, great pacifier, announced fairly clearly by Nostradamus.

Saint Malachie predicts the end of the Roman Catholic Popes around 2026, but not the disappearance of faith, which will become ecumenical.

Nostradamus puts the Golden Age between 2030 and 2050.

All of these prophecies seem to agree, give or take a few years, which would indicate that 2020 might be some sort of key year for opening our access to better times.

Thirty-fifth prophecy tomorrow.



In the heart of the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand

Men will be able to go down under the waters

Their bodies will be new and they will be fish

And some will fly high, higher than the birds

As if stones don’t fall.


They will communicate with each other

For their minds will be so greatly open that they will receive all messages

And dreams will be shared

And they will live as long as the oldest of men

The one of whom the Holy Books speak.


This prophecy is a difficult one for me to comment.  Is John just having trouble describing future technology, or is he saying that our bodies will have changed so much that we will be fish?  He does not say “like fish”.  He says that we will “be fish”.

There has been some experimentation in filling our lungs with a substance which allows us to stay under water for extended periods of time.  This was a few decades ago.  I don’t know if this sort of thing is still being done.

We know that some animals, such as dragons and dolphins, returned to the water, having previously left it to live on land.  Dragons came back onto land, and are now mostly extinct, which shows that dolphins made the right choice.

During our conception and development in our mother’s womb, we go through the entire cycle of evolution.  We don’t actually use our lungs for breathing until we are ejected from the womb.  Theoretically, it could be reasonably simple, with a bit of genetic tweaking, to transform some of us into “fish” again.  Unlike the dolphin, we would not have to adapt “naturally”, which would take numerous generations of us living almost continuously in water.  We could change our DNA and transmit the change to our children.

If large chunks of our planet disappear under the rising seas, this could be part of our coping strategy.

John also speaks of us flying higher than the birds.  He doesn’t mention any machines, so he is probably referring to some sort of levitation.  Some humans are able to control levitation.  Most of us, if we levitate at all, are unable to control it.

Levitation is due to a change in the way that we vibrate, usually connected to our emotional state of mind.  This change eliminates part of the pull of gravity and can send us soaring into the air.  When this happens unexpectedly, it often causes fear.  As soon as we feel fear, our vibration changes and we come back down to earth – or remain desperately clinging to a tree branch, waiting for help.

I had one brush with levitation when I was eight years old.  It was preceded, and accompanied, by a feeling of great joy, happiness and love for the entire Earth.  I wanted to hug the sky.  I was running at the time, and did not immediately realize that my feet were no longer touching the ground.  I only rose about 30 centimetres, and kept travelling forward at the same speed, but I have talked to people who had friends who had had the “whoosh, then treetop” experience.

In the middle of the nineteenth century, a gentleman by the name of Daniel Dunglas Home floated in and out of upstairs windows in London, as his party trick.  So he could definitely levitate at will and control speed and direction while he was doing it.

Perhaps, when our spirituality has developed more universally, we shall be joyful and loving enough to levitate at will.

In the second part of this prophecy, John appears to be speaking about telepathy and sharing dreams.  We know that people often communicate mentally with each other.  I used to communicate in this way with my cousin.  That was before mobile telephones.

I also sent messages in this way to my dog, who responded to them.  It is very easy to do this with animals; you just have to remember to send images, not words.  It is also easier for humans to receive images rather than words, although we can do both if we imagine the word written down, and send it as an image.

John tells us that we are going to live much longer, too.  A healthy, stress-free, spiritual life of love and understanding toward all living things, is guaranteed to lengthen our lives.  We are genetically programmed to live 130 to 140 years.  Already, our average life expectancy increases by three months every year.  If this keeps going, who knows where it will end?

Thirty-fourth prophecy tomorrow.



In the heart of the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand

Man will have conquered the sky

He will create stars in the great dark blue sea

And he will navigate on this shining ship

New Ulysses, companion of the sun,  for the celestial Odyssey.


But he will also be the ruler of the water

He will have built great nautical cities

Which will be fed by sea crops

He will live like this in every part of the great domain

And nothing will be forbidden him.


Here, John speaks of space travel and of the creation of spaceships navigating the sea of space.

The Odyssey is an epic poem by Homer which describes the adventures of Ulysses on his journey home from Troy.  It is a coded story incorporating vital navigational information for the merchant seamen of the day.

Sea routes were precious and were kept secret because they were the source of riches for those knowing how to get safely from one place to another, while carrying valuable merchandise.  The Odyssey contains this knowledge, handed down in an entertaining narrative form, and hidden in plain sight.

After space, John speaks of Man taking over the seas and building great nautical cities.  This looks as if it may become a necessity, with the ice caps melting and sea levels rising.

We have already started to experiment with sea crops.  Apparently, this will develop into something much bigger.

We will be taking over the seas, living on/in them, feeding ourselves with food grown in/on them, and we will be perfectly at home everywhere on/in water.

Thirty-third prophecy tomorrow.



In the heart of the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand

Men will have at last opened their eyes

They will no longer be locked up inside their heads or in their cities

They will see and hear each other from one point of the earth to another

They will know that whatever strikes one of them hurts the others.


Men will be like a great single body

Of which each of them will be a tiny part

And together they will constitute the heart

And there will be one language which will be spoken by everyone and this is how the great human being will be born.


This prophecy has the beauty of a sunrise after a dark and scary night.

Men will have at last opened their eyes

This little phrase says so much in so few words.  It is the reason for everything that will follow.

John speaks again of television and the Internet, but here Man’s mental attitude has changed:

They will know that whatever strikes one of them hurts the others.

Men will at last realize that they are each a tiny part of the whole human race.  Together, they are a single heart beating.

They will be communicating with each other through a single language.  It seems fairly evident today that English has become the essential language to know.

Some governments are trying to control the Internet because they know that, without censorship, it is becoming impossible to continue to lie to people.  Information will somehow get out to the world, and people will refuse to go on accepting their lies.

This prophecy is so exciting because we can actually see these predictions starting to happen now.

Thirty-second prophecy tomorrow.



When the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand begins

Man will have entered into the dark labyrinth

He will be afraid and he will close his eyes for he will no longer want to see

He will be wary of everything and afraid at every step

But still he will be pushed onward for no halt will be allowed him.


Even though the voice of Cassandra will be loud and strong

He will not hear it

For he will want to possess more and more and his head will be lost in mirages

Those who govern him will deceive him

And there will be only bad shepherds.


In this prophecy, John gives us a last disturbing picture of our life today.  He tells us that we have entered a dark labyrinth and are afraid, but that we just close our eyes and keep rushing forward.

Our lives do not allow us to stop and reflect on which direction we should be taking.  As individuals, we have stopped thinking.  We go where we are pushed, and we are continually being pushed.

According to the Iliad, Homer’s epic work about the Trojan wars, Cassandra was the daughter of Priam, the last king of Troy, and of Hecuba, his wife.  Hector and Paris were two of her brothers.  She was a priestess of Athena, Greek goddess of Thought, the Arts, the Sciences and of Industry, for whom Athens was named.

Cassandra was desired by Apollo, god of Beauty, Light, Prophecy and the Arts, who gave her the gift of prophecy.  She refused his advances and, although he couldn’t take back his gift, he modified it so that, even though she was accurately predicting the future, no-one ever believed her.

Kidnapped from the temple of Athena by Ajax, the Locrian King’s son, she warned the Greeks that, if they attacked Troy, it would end in disaster.  No-one listened to her, the attack went ahead, and the subsequent wars dragged on for years, killing off the cream of Greek and Trojan young men.  A few natural disasters also contributed to the catastrophe.  (If anyone is interested, Athena punished Ajax for kidnapping her priestess, by having him drown in a shipwreck.)

By evoking Cassandra, John is reminding us that, even though there are people warning us about the disastrous road we are travelling, we don’t believe them.  He tells us that we want more and more possessions, and that we are caught up in artificially created, or modified, images.

He tells us that our politicians are lying to us and that we are not being properly guided.

We are now starting the tenth year of this millenium, and already we can see some signs that things are beginning to change.  Even a few of our politicians are starting to show some signs of more responsible behaviour.

Tomorrow we will start on John’s ten predictions for our future.  Unlike other prophets, Biblical or otherwise, John refuses the theme of the end of the world.  He is totally optimistic.

After these last thirty days of doom and gloom, join me tomorrow to watch the Light starting to spread over the Earth.



When the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand begins

Man will think that he is God when he will be nothing more than a baby

He will hit out, always overcome by anger and jealousy,

But he will be armed with the power that he has taken

And blind Prometheus he will be able to destroy everything around him.


He will remain a dwarf of the soul and he will have the strength of a giant

He will take enormous strides forward but he will not know which road to take

His head will be heavy with knowledge

But he will not know why he lives and dies

He will be like the fire always gesticulating or the child who whimpers.


This prophecy tells us that while we think ourselves to be so clever and in control of everything around us, we are unable to control ourselves.  We act like little children who “hit out, always overcome by anger or jealousy”.

The problem is that we have now created powerful weapons of mass destruction, so when we throw a tantrum and “hit out”, we destroy hundreds of thousands of people and harm the Earth at the same time.  It is easy to kill people from 4,000 metres of altitude;  you don’t see people, you see only a “target”, and even that is often just a shape on a screen, a virtual world.

As a species, we have given ourselves great technological power, but our spirituality has not developed at the same rate.  The seed is still there but it is neglected.

So, while we have all of this technology at our fingertips, we don’t know what to do with our lives.  We have all this knowledge but we don’t understand the purpose of our life and death.

We go from being drunk with our own power, to sinking to the depths of depression, because we have forgotten why we are here.  We have become very dangerous, both to ourselves and to the Earth.

Twenty-eighth prophecy tomorrow.



When the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand begins

You must be afraid for the child of man

Poison and despair will lie in wait for him

He will be desired only selfishly and not for his own sake or for the world

He will be tracked down for sexual pleasure and sometimes his body will be sold.


But even the one being protected by his family

Will be in danger of having a dead mind

He will live inside games and mirages

Which will guide him because there will be no more educators

No-one will have taught him to hope and how to act.


John returns here to the subject of children left to themselves by absentee parents.  With no education within a family framework, many will turn to drugs of one kind or another, including sex.

John shows us that the reason for our neglect of our children is that they have become some sort of “must have” acquisition, or an element of our own personal development, instead of being wanted for themselves or as a contribution to the world.

Considered from this selfish point of view, our children easily become simple objects of pleasure for sexual predators, who seek them out and train them for this role, while their parents are off doing other things for their own “personal development”.  Some parents even go so far as to sell their own children as sex objects.

John goes on to warn us that, even if parents are there for their children and protect them from outside dangers, they often dump them in front of the television, or give them video games to occupy them and keep them quiet.  From a very early age, children start living in virtual worlds of images and sounds, which are becoming more and more realistic and more and more violent.  Even spectator sports have become an excuse for violent confrontations among supporters of different teams.

Coupled with the total breakdown of our education system, this immersion in virtual worlds is almost the only guide to life to which our children have access.  This, plus the current social chaos, is all that they have to mould their values and social behaviour.

Twenty-seventh prophecy tomorrow.