When the Year Thousand that comes after Year Thousand begins

The father will take his pleasure with his daughter

Man with man, woman with woman

The old man with the impubescent child

And that will be known by all.


But blood will become impure

The disease will spread from bed to bed

The body will receive all the putrefactions of the earth

Faces will be gaunt, limbs will be emaciated

Love will be a great threat

For those who only know each other sexually.


This prophecy is another one which seems very clear.

Sexual activity other than between a man and a woman has existed for thousands of years.  However, those who practised it hid it from the public gaze.  Usually, not always, it was disapproved and severely punished when it was discovered.

Today, although sexual acts between adults and children are still reproved, they are fairly public in some Asian countries, and occasions can be easily found via the Internet and other networks.

Homosexuality, both male and female, is now considered perfectly acceptable in a great number of countries.

The second part of the prophecy speaks about AIDS, and gives a very accurate, if brief,  description of the disease.

The body will receive all the putrefactions of the earth

This describes the break-down of immunity, leaving the body with no defence against infection.

Faces will be gaunt, limbs will be emaciated

This describes the appearance of those at the terminal stage of the disease.

Love will be a great threat

For those who only know each other sexually.

Love, or more precisely, its physical expression, has become dangerous for those who seek only pleasure, without knowing anything about their partner, including his or her state of health.

Seventh prophecy tomorrow.